Can I enter the competition more than once?
- No, investors are restricted to one entry each.
- Submissions will be monitored closely to ensure that this rule is followed.
- If it is discovered that an entrant knowingly submits more than one entry, they will be disqualified.
- Entrants who mistakenly enter the competition more than once should contact team@curranfutures to have the problem fixed.
What about if I want to enter for myself and for a charity?
- I’m afraid not. If you wish to enter on behalf of a charity, we recommend you find a family member or friend willing to represent them!
How do I select the charity I wish to donate to?
- We have included an option on the Registration Form, simply insert your chosen charity
Does it have to be a registered charity?
- No. If you want to donate to your GAA club, school or other community organisation, just put their name in.
What age to I have to be to play?
- You can be 16 to play, We want budding young investors to enjoy the game
If I make a mistake in my portfolio selection, can I change it?
- Yes, once you inform us before 5pm on 7th May. No alterations are allowed after that time.
Can I change my portfolio during the investment period?
- Maybe. Pay attention to the competition page and social media postings!
Can I research the underlying investment funds?
- Yes. We have chosen fully transparent ‘indexes’ to represent the various funds available.
- Our ‘Investor Information Page’ has information on all the funds, and links to external sources should you wish to go even further!
Why are there so many equity funds?
- Because we wanted to ensure the greatest chance of movement in fund & portfolio values.
- Equities tend to be the most volatile type of investment, and we have chosen them for that reason. If you are feeling more conservative, you could always put 30% of your portfolio in cash!
Which fund is likely to do the best?
- Thats the €300 question! If you go into the ‘Investor Information Page’ you can see the performance of the various funds over the last year, so that will give you an idea of how they have done.
- But of course, that’s no indication of how they will do (you know the saying – ‘Past Performance is no indicator of Future Outcomes’). For that we recommend a crystal ball!
- Follow us on Social Media @curranfutures to keep up to date with investor tips
How are the portfolios valued?
- All the underlying funds have a value on the opening day.
- Changes to this value are reflected as an increase or decrease in your own fund.
- The ‘weighting’ of each fund will determine the overall impact of individual fund changes on the portfolio.
How often are the funds & portfolios valued?
- Funds will be valued daily (Mon – Fri) at 5pm
Where can I find out how my fund is performing?
- Once the underlying funds are valued at 5pm, we will update every investor’s portfolio to reflect these changes.
- This will then feed through to the COMPETITION LEAGUE TABLE.
- We will also post the top 20 positions onto our social media channels
Will I receive any other communication?
- Yes. On Tuesdays and Fridays we will send out the league tables in an email to all competitors.
- Once the competition has ended you will be given the chance to opt out of receiving any further communication from us. See our privacy policy for more information.
How is the winner determined?
- See the ‘About the Game’ page for details on this.
Why is there a tie breaker?
- To reduce the likelihood of multiple winners
What’s this Prize Announcement Event? Do I have to attend?
- Only if you win!
- Seriously though, we would love for everyone to join us and will be running a Facebook Live event to announce winners. Details will be sent to participants.